
Original Post: 3 March 2015
Posted Here: 28 November 2017


Janet and I like to watch the painting shows that are broadcast Saturday mornings by the Arkansas Educational Television Network. We especially like Bob Ross, but we also enjoy Jerry Yarnell. A while back, Jerry was illustrating how to paint a still life, using a couple of bell peppers as his inspiration. I got to thinking that I could probably do something interesting with Poser if I could find some peppers.

Since I was just doing this for the fun of it, I didn't write down much about my sources or process. However, going back to my original Poser file let me identify some of the contents of the picture.

The characters are Michael 4 (with Rievel hair by AprilYSH) and Victoria 4.2 (with Dinasty hair by 3Dream).

The two bell peppers are by Exnem, as is the empty fruit basket that everything is posed on.

The table is the C3 Chair Table by ARTCollab. The backdrop is the default from Backdrops Made Easy by Blondie9999.

Keep reading, keep writing - Jack